Kid President’s Pep Talk

Long time, no post!

But all for good reasons! I’ve been subbing, teaching after-school/enrichment video game creation classes, working one-on-one with an 8 year old boy with autism, and tutoring 3 siblings in drawing.  At the same time, I’m still looking for my full-time art teaching position and creating artwork for my Etsy and Society6 stores.

However, every once in a while (even if I don’t need it at the moment) I can use a pep talk.

Motivational Mondays: Lessons from Boy Meets World

As a person who was born in the 80s, “Boy Meets World” was one of my favorite shows growing up.  Come to think of it, I can’t imagine any show today that is just as wholesome without being too preachy or gimmicky.  “Boy Meets World” also includes one of the best T.V. teachers in the world, Mr. Feeny.  I always thought it was a tad unrealistic that Mr. Feeny was their teacher from 6th grade to college but it made for some many amazing life lessons from the man himself.

This post is inspired by Buzzfeed’s “18 Things We Learned from ‘Boy Meets World‘” and “14 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Boy Meets World.

Note: Some of the images below are featured in the above articles while some are from searching Pinterest.

About Friendship:

That you always need that one person to turn to for wisdom:

About how we take things for granted:

About being open of the unknown:

Final scene of Boy Meets World (have tissues ready):

Bonus Eric Matthews wisdom:

The Feeny Call

A Week of Gratitude: Wayne Dyer

Some advice from Dr. Wayne Dyer on being grateful while at the same time inviting more abundance into your life:

Make an effort to be thankful for what you have and who you are each day.  Do this even if you want more and dislike who you are.  Being thankful upstages greediness and focuses your thoughts on abundance.  The universe seems to provide abundantly when we are in a state of gratefulness.  The less we need to have more, the more we seem to get!– Wayne Dyer You’ll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation


Motivational Mondays: A Week of Thanksgiving

Inspired by my friend Angie who writes a neat blog titled I Really Lived!, I took a cue from her and decided to post each day giving thanks to all that I have.

Today, I give thanks for my life.  No matter how many worries I may have in my life, one thing I am definitely grateful for is life! For this occasion, I’m posting Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds.” Apparently that is the title since my whole life, I thought the title was “Don’t Worry About a Thing.” 😀


Motivational Mondays: Wreck-It Ralph’s message was exactly what I needed to hear…

Over the weekend, I saw the movie Wreck-It Ralph starring the vocal talents of John C. Reilly as Ralph, Sarah Silverman as Vanellope, Jack McBrayer as Felix, and Jane Lynch as Calhoun.

Plot Summary

Ralph (Reilly) is a villan in a fictional old-school video titled Fix-It-Felix.  Ralph is constantly under the shadow of the hero of the game, Felix (McBrayer) and aspires for a better life where he’s the hero and wins shiny medals for his accomplishments.  His quest for a medal messes up the eco-system of the video game universe (the arcade in which the games are set in) and leads him to a Mario-Kart like racing game called Sugar Rush where he meets Vanellope Von Sweets (Silverman). Vanellope is ostracized by her community for being a glitch and isn’t allowed to race in the game. In order for both Ralph and Vanellope to get what they want, they got to work together.

I’m not going to give away the ending of the movie (even though it’s easy to predict endings for a Disney movie) but the lessons I needed to learn were:

1) That being a hero or an all-around respected person is not measured by how many awards or medals you get.  It may not even be based on whether or not your dreams come true.  Instead, being a hero can mean making someone else’s dreams come true.  Self-respect comes from building others up.

2) You may not be able to change your situation but you can change the way you look at it.

Moral of the story: If you’re feeling down, change the way you look at the situation or take the focus of yourself and focus on making someone else’s dream come true.

Wreck-It Ralph Trailer



Motivational Mondays: Childhood Time Lapse Collage

This video is a reminder in that every once in a while, we should approach our creative endeavors like a child.

Children are not afraid to try anything and somewhere down the line, we stop acting like children. next time you’re feeling stuck in your work, try to approach it like a child without fear or doubt.

Motivational Mondays: The Sweet Spot: Glee and Arts Education

I want to take the time to share this wonderful article with you about the power of the arts.  Honestly, this Motivational Monday is more for me and my need to stay positive and motivated as I continually look for work in Art Education.  I feel that for me to stay positive, I can help other people be positive too.  I gotta practice what I preach, yah know?

The Sweet Spot: Glee and Arts Education

One particular quote in the article stood out for me:

“Arts education can literally save lives. I work with kids that are struggling with a lot in life whether it is poverty or violence or trauma. Having an outlet and a teacher to guide them to express themselves creatively as opposed to internalizing or responding to violence with violence is vital. It is, in fact, an intervention.” –by writer and youth educator Carrie Leilam Love

And that is why I choose teach art.

Motivational Mondays: Ten Myths about Happiness from the Happiness Project

This article has been hiding in my reading list for a while.  Today it just so happens that I clicked on the reading list and scrolled down.  My lucky day!

This list is from the Happiness Project’s Ten Myths about Happiness by Gretchen Rubin.  If you click on the link, you can read the author’s take on each myth.

No. 1: Happy people are annoying and stupid.

No. 2: Nothing changes a person’s happiness level much.

No. 3: Venting anger relieves it.

No. 4: You’ll be happier if you insist on “the best.”

No. 5: A “treat” will cheer you up.

No. 6: Money can’t buy happiness.

No. 7: Doing “random acts of kindness” brings happiness.

No. 8: You’ll be happy as soon as you…

No. 9: Spending some time alone will make you feel better.

No. 10: The biggest myth: It’s selfish to try to be happier.

Bonus pics and happiness!